Are you looking for the next great Phnom Penh real estate investment opportunity? You may want to take a close look at Arey Ksat. According to Global Real Estate Association president Sam Soknoeun “The Arey Ksat area is a potential area that should not be overlooked, because with a bridge across the river, it’d be like the Chroy Changvar area is now.” Further, Cambodian ambassador to South Korea Long Dimanche was quoted in the Phnom Penh Post as saying
“The Arey Ksat area will be a region with high potential in all areas”.
While the bridge is still in the study and feasibility phase, Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol was hopeful that progress was being made. “The Korean companies are currently studying what kind of bridge to build, and how much would it cost. When the studies are completed, we will open a bid to select a company to build our Svay Chrum bridge,”
Currently, transporation from Arey Ksat is served by the Svay Chrum-Arey Ksat ferry.