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BKK is Top Searched Phnom Penh Real Estate

Phnom Penh via Unsplash user PjGo
Phnom Penh via Unsplash user PjGo

Using search data from popular real estate website, we can see that overwhelmingly BKK is the most sought after real estate in Phnom Penh.

  1. Beoung Keng Kang is the most searched district. Beoung Keng Kang especially BKK1 with it’s embassies, NGOs and proximity to the other top districts, feels like the most cosmopolitan version of Phnom Penh, comparable to other Southeast Asian capitals.
  2. Chamkarmon is the 2nd most searched district in Phnom Penh. Chamkarmon is located in the southwest corner of the city and is known for it’s shophouses and restaurants.
  3. Daun Penh might be expected to be the most searched district but comes in as 3rd most searched. Daun Penh is home to the Royal Palace as well as numerous embassies and popular tourist attractions.
  4. Tuol Kork is 4th most searched. Is is well known for its grand villas but is generally very popular among Phnom Penh real estate developers as an influx of residential, commercial, shopping and entertainment options are quickly developing the area.
  5. Sek Sok was once considered a bit far out but with the growth of Tuol Kork, Sen Sok, to Tuol Kork’s northwest, is now thought of as the more affordable option for Phnom Penh real estate developers. Prices are generally lower but have grown quickly.
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