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Is Cambodia the best country in the world?

Phnom Penh Riverfront
Phnom Penh Riverfront

PHNOM PENH – A gushing article by Sean Thomas, author at British weekly The Spectator, paints a nation bustling with energy and optimism. He generously notes Cambodian chefs’ culinary talents, whether with our own Khmer dishes or even international fare such as a slice of New York style pizza. He compliments Phnom Penh’s vibrancy and rapid growth. He is most impressed however with the Cambodian people, their resilience, happiness and optimism.

It’s satisfying that international visitors are taking notice of rapidly developing Cambodia. Phnom Penh, with the help of the new international airport, is growing into a global destination. Phnom Penhers are very well acquainted with the City’s growing multitude of dining and entertainment options. Phnom Penh is finding itself once again on the map, a reborn Pearl of Asia indeed. Thanks for the compliments Sean Thomas and Spectator.

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